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Adaptable Course Design Resources

Resources for Creating Adaptable Courses

适应性课程设计(adaptive Course Design,简称ACD)是指在大规模突发十大网赌正规平台中有意设置灵活的课程,以便为个别学生提供支持的一种策略, in response to their learning goals, and to meet other needs). 

You can find faculty AC⚡DC examples on our website. Butte faculty can also join our Canvas AC⚡DC resource.

Course Design

像任何课程设计一样,ACD首先要理解课程需要完成什么. 一旦确定了课程成果,您就可以确定核心评估和学习. 了解最终目标将帮助您确定课程的哪些部分可以灵活使用.

Backwards design is a useful framework for designing courses with the end in mind. Learn more about backwards design from the Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) 侧重于为学生提供如何与课程内容互动和展示学习的选择. These options help students engage with the course based on their strengths; they also help us design courses that are more flexible. Learn more about UDL on the CAST site.

Online Course Design.  适应性强的课程是指在危机时刻可以无缝地转向在线模式的课程. Effective practices for online course design will help faculty build courses that are still effective when online. 希望课程设计更上一层楼的教师也可以参加 Peer Online Course Review (POCR) process.

The Modern Classrooms Project 使教育工作者能够建立满足每个学生需求的教室. The Modern Classroom Project is a movement of educators in implementing a self-paced, 以掌握为基础的教学模式,利用技术促进人与人之间的联系, authentic learning, and social-emotional growth.


教师是学生与教育机构和学校的主要接触者, as such, play a vital role in support students’ socio-emotional needs.  Meeting these needs is essential for students to be able to learn.

Culturally Responsive Teaching 是否有一个框架可以帮助教育工作者了解学生的背景如何影响他们对我们课程设计的体验. Learn more about Culturally Responsive Teaching from Zaretta Hammond. Training Opportunities:

Trauma-Informed Pedagogy 基于对创伤如何影响学习的理解,提供了一个教学框架. Learn more about Trauma-Informed Pedagogy from of College and Research Libraries.

Resilient Pedagogy 提供了一个关于主题和问题的综合集合 resilient pedagogy 在2019冠状病毒病大流行和席卷全球的社会正义运动的背景下.

Humanizing l利用学习科学和文化响应教学来创造一个包容的, equitable online class climate for today's diverse students. Learn more about Humanizing Online Learning from Michelle Pacansky-Brock. Training Opportunities:

Reducing Technostress is important in this age of information overload. This Faculty Guide to Reducing Technostress was written by Kandace Knudson. 它总结了信息超载、认知负荷理论、数字素养和设计方面的研究. 

Course Materials

Course materials help students learn the content. 确保所有学生在各种情况下都能使用课程材料,对于帮助建立适应性强的课程至关重要. 

Open Educational Resources (OER) have a number of benefits that help with adaptable course design. 这些资源对学生是免费的,这意味着所有的学生都可以使用它们.  They are available as both online and print, which allows students to choose the format that works best for them.  And, they can be customized by faculty to align to the course content.  Learn more about OER from the Butte College Library.

Accessibility. 确保所有的课程材料都是可访问的,这样所有的学生都可以访问资源. Learn more accessibility at Butte College's Distance Education Committee site. Learn more about building accessible content in Canvas from Butte's Technology Mediated Instruction.

Mobile Friendly 内容设计可以帮助学生在没有笔记本电脑或台式机的情况下学习课程内容. Learn more about mobile-friendly design in Canvas using the checklist from the Canvas Community.


The goal of assessments is to measure student learning.  允许学生以各种不同的方式展示他们的学习的评估确保我们准确地衡量学生的学习成果.

Authentic 关注学生在现实环境中展示核心目标的学习.  注重真实的评估,以适应学生的技能和情况,将有助于使我们的课程更加灵活. Learn more about authentic assessment at Butte College's SLO site.

Adaptable Assessment 设计将逆向设计与真实评估相结合,以开发评估,使学生能够利用现有优势展示他们的新内容技能. Learn more about adaptable assessment with this video.

Open Educational Practices (OEP) 评估和课程设计策略是否使学生成为全球知识社区的内容创造者. Learn more about OEP in this video titled UDL, SLO, and OEP.

Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) 提供模板和示例,说明如何构建具有明确期望和评分标准的作业. 这个框架可以帮助你向学生解释作业的基本组成部分,并确定可以更灵活的组成部分. Learn more about TILT (scroll to the bottom of the page).

Class Policies

The policies in your class set the tone early in the semester (when students first read the syllabus); this is where students identify how much support they will get in the class. 这些政策也将决定紧急情况对学生成绩的影响.

A Liquid Syllabus is an accessible, public website that incorporates a brief, friendly welcome video and course information written in welcoming, student-centered language. 当与文化响应教学法结合使用时 Liquid Syllabus 为所有学生创造一个更公平的学习环境. (Pacansky-Brock et al, 2020; Pacansky-Brock, 2017, 2014).

Late Work policies are paramount during times of crisis. If we dont' accept late work, 在紧急情况下不能按时完成作业的学生就失去了学习的机会, and we are not able to assess what they have learned. Consider allowing late work without penalty. 你可以限制迟交作业的数量或者迟交作业的时间. Also, 请记住,有些学生可能不太愿意要求延期或分享他们的紧急情况的细节.

Attendance policies affect students with complex lives more than other students. 考虑以多种形式提供课程内容,包括异步在线选项. This not only helps students who miss class, 但它也为学生提供了另一种学习方式. 以多种方式提供信息有助于所有学生的学习,但对于有各种学习和其他挑战的学生尤其重要.

Grading 政策可能会导致相同内容知识的学生取得非常不同的成绩. Consider looking beyond traditional grading strategies. Grading for Equity 作者Joe Feldman提供了关于公平评分策略的有用信息. Ungrading:为什么给学生打分会影响学习(以及该怎么做. Blum provides useful cases studies in alternative grading approaches. Training Opportunities:

Student Services 提供各种各样的支持,帮助学生度过困难时期. Include a link to Butte's student services in your syllabus.

Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 |一般信息 (530) 895-2511

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