


适应性课程设计 is one of the projects that stemmed from Butte's 注重质量的论文 (压).  Below is an overview of the project. 的 适应性课程设计 Committee (AC🗲DC) page contains content specific to our work. 

的 Project details (from the QFE)

As discussed in the Introduction to the QFE, 十大网赌正规平台 has seen many emergencies over the past few years. 的se emergencies are not isolated and will likely continue. California continues to face large-scale fires, and because the Main Campus and many service areas are rural, continued Public Safety Power Shutoffs will become routine. 因此, we need to develop a strategy for course design that allows students to continue their education even in times of crisis. 的 anticipated impact of an 适应性课程设计 Project is increased student success and completion.

适应性课程设计 (ACD) is a strategy for building courses that are intentionally flexible during large-scale emergencies and facilitate support for individual students (during individual emergencies, in response to their learning goals, and to meet other needs). ACD is a synthesis of numerous course design and teaching frameworks including 真实的评价, Universal Design for Learning, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Transparency in Learning and Teaching, 逆向设计, and Online Course Design. 的se frameworks can be used to design courses with built-in adaptability to student needs. 十大网赌正规平台 faculty has expertise in many of these practices.

除了, 十大网赌正规平台 is uniquely poised to be a leader in this framework because of our experiences with multiple back-to-back emergencies. 的 goal of this project is to develop a training toolkit. 的 project will begin by identifying current trainings and resources developed by campus groups, including Cultural Awareness Community of Practice (CACP), 公平的教室, 真实的评价, and the Online Readiness Training. 的se trainings will be organized into a clear pathway for faculty and will identify strategies for implementing the ACD toolkit. Faculty who complete 公平的教室, 例如, develop courses that can adapt to better support minoritized students.


  • Number of faculty attending ACD workshops, completing the 播放列表, and completing the certificate
  • Comparison of student success and completion for faculty who have implemented ACD strategies and those who have not
  • Comparison of student success and completion before (2020-21) and after (2023-24) the project


Spring 2021 - Preparation

  • Identify groups and committees on campus who should be involved  [已完成和正在进行]
  • Identify course design strategies and effective practices to use as the framework for 适应性课程设计 [已完成和正在进行]

2021-2022 Academic Year

  • [added in Fall 2021 at the request of the committee] Survey faculty to identify current training needs and modality preferences
  • Curate trainings and resources that are currently available which support 适应性课程设计 [已完成和正在进行]
  • Create a webpage that lists webinars and workshops related to adaptive course design [completed]
  • Compile 播放列表s on the Vision Resource Center [started and deferred]
  • Identify Flex week offerings that support adaptive course design [completed]
  • Develop a Canvas course that provides a guided experience and certificate in Adaptive Course Design [已完成和正在进行]
  • Survey students and conduct focus groups to determine student classroom needs [deferred]
  • Use student survey results to inform certificate design [deferred]
  • Identify strategies for incentivizing participation in 适应性课程设计 trainings (开始)


  • Update Adaptive Course Design Toolkit (Webpage, 播放列表, flex提供, and Adaptive Course Design Certificate) (开始)
  • Implement and advertise the 适应性课程设计 Toolkit and Certificate. (开始)
  • Add trainings and resources to the Toolkit. [已完成和正在进行]
  • Assess Faculty Training Outcomes: Number of faculty attending workshops, 完成播放列表, and completed the Certificate; Evaluations of toolbox components; Faculty course design surveys. (正在进行)

2023-2024 Academic Year

  • Survey students and conduct focus groups to determine student classroom needs.
  • Assess Faculty Training Outcomes: Number of faculty attending workshops, 完成播放列表, and completed the Certificate; Evaluations of toolbox components; Faculty course design surveys. (正在进行)
  • Share resources publicly via Canvas Commons and other venues.
  • Assess student success outcomes: Compare student success and completion before (20/21 AY) and after (23/24 AY); compare student success and completion for faculty who have implemented adaptable course design strategies and those who have not.


  • Update Adaptive Course Design Toolkit (Webpage, 播放列表, flex提供, and Adaptive Course Design Certificate)
  • Update shared resources
  • Assess Faculty and Student Outcomes

十大网赌正规平台 | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511
