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Butte College
News Announcement

Butte College Students Take Home Three Gold Medals at State Competition

 The Butte College SkillsUSA Team


The Butte College SkillsUSA team took home three top honors, among other awards, at the 52nd annual California SkillsUSA Conference and Competition. Gold medal winners include the additive manufacturing team composed of Wyatt Brodgen and Donovan gentles, David Shippy for automotive service technology, and Willian Hedden for prepared speech. Mark Mckenzie took home a silver medal for computer programming while Kenneth Peters won bronze in technical drafting.

The three gold-level State champions qualify to move on to compete at the SkillsUSA National Conference, June 23–29 in Louisville, Kentucky. The participants who are moving on to Nationals have many hours of additional training and preparations to complete. The national conference will have over 6,000 participants competing in more than 100 different CTE and leadership areas. While at the national conference, students will have the opportunity to networks with people and industries in their own area of study.

SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. This partnership is primarily focused on Career and Tech Ed (CTE) with over 100 different career fields represented.

Butte College has been participating in SkillsUSA since 2013. In this time, they have had more than 100 students participate and taken home 40 gold, 25 silver and 12 bronze medals including its most recent wins at the state conference.


Media Contact

Christian Gutierrez

Public Relations Officer


Butte College
3536 Butte Campus Drive
Oroville, CA 95965